A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (2024)

So, you’re working out hard—your abs are tight, biceps firm and quads seriously toned. But, you have a flabby butt. Yeah, you might look great in a T-shirt—but on the beach you’d feel self-conscious.

Then, something has to change!

This glutes workout program is the solution. With little-to-no equipment required, you can complete it even at home and watch it deliver impressive results.

  • Table of Contents

Glutes Anatomy

Glutes Workout for Home

How to Complete the Glutes Workout

Glutes Workout With Bodyweight

Glutes Workout With Resistance Bands

Glutes Workout With Weights


Glutes Anatomy

Unfortunately, the glutes (that is, your buttocks) are one of the most neglected groups in fitness training. Possibly, because they’re the least on-show of all the muscles.

This is a shame—since the glutes are essential for your overall stance, stability and strength.

A productive glutes workout can:

  • Reduce back pain and injury—weak buttock muscles require other groups to compensate in their place.
  • Heighten sporting ability—whatever your chosen field you require the glutes for athletic power.
  • Raise bone density—studies show that resistance training improves bone strength, which drastically lowers as we age.
  • Boost functional fitness levels—your day-to-day chores become more manageable.
  • Improve posture—strong glute muscles improve stance and support the lower back—helping you walk tall and avoid future spine problems.
  • Make you look damn amazing—and with that comes self-confidence.

Each buttock consists of three main muscles. To reap the maximum benefits—your glutes workout must target each one of these power packs.

To get a grasp of how they work, here are the three “booty builders”:

A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (1)

1. Gluteus Maximus

As the name suggests, the gluteus maximus is the not only largest of the butt muscles, it it the largest and most powerful muscle in the human body—extending from the upper hips down to the outer thighs.

It enables you to rotate at the hips and perform explosive movements such as sprinting and jumping.

2. Gluteus Medius

This muscle begins at the ilium (upper hip) and stretches laterally towards the sides of the pelvis.

The gluteus medius is considered to be a stabilizing muscle—ensuring safe flexion and allowing the pelvis and knee to remain aligned, preventing injury.

3. Gluteus Minimus

Shaped like a fan, the smallest of the butt muscles sits beneath the gluteus medius.

It enables the body to support itself on just one limb—an action frequently called upon during both daily life and sporting activities (climbing stairs, running, walking, etc.).

Additionally, the gluteus minimus allows the hip to abduct—that is, move away from the centerline of the body.

Glutes Workout for Home

Building the buttock muscles is achieved through one process—resistance training. However, pushing the gluteal muscles hard doesn’t mean heavy weights on the barbell.

A powerful glutes workout can be completed in the home—delivering impressive results with minimal equipment.

To this end, I’ve formulated three training regimes below. One requires no gym gear at all—just your bodyweight. The other two concentrate on using the relatively budget-friendly dumbbells, kettlebells and resistance bands.

A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (2)

How to Complete the Glutes Workout

Each workout is designed to exert all three buttock muscles. Hence, for maximum returns, each workout should be completed in its entirety.

If you find the number of repetitions (reps) too intense—then drop the count. If they’re too easy to complete—increase the number. Towards the end of each set, you should start struggling and feel the glutes straining.

But, don’t exert yourself to total fatigue.

After each set, rest for 1 to 2 minutes, then complete the next set. After each exercise (four or six sets) is finished, rest for three minutes.

These workouts should be performed at least two times a week (preferably three if you’re lacking glutes development), but never on consecutive days. Although, you can work other adjacent muscle groups (like hamstrings of quads) on the same or following day.

Glutes Workout With Bodyweight

Using just your bodyweight for resistance provides a gentle entry into glutes training.







4 - 6

12 - 20

1-2 mins

A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (3)


Ensure your feet are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms outstretched in front of you—lower yourself into the squat position by bending at the knees. Hold for one second, then rise to a standing stance again (one rep).

Pro Tips:

  • Don’t pass below a “chair-sitting” posture in the lowest position as this can place excessive stress on the knees.
  • Avoid “dropping” into the squat—the movement should be slow and controlled.
  • Make sure you push your body up with your heels.






Single Leg Side Lunges

3 - 4

12 - 20

1-2 mins


Stand upright—feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your left leg straight, bend your right knee until it bears the majority of your bodyweight and forms a 90-degree angle. Hold for one second—then return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. That completes one repetition.

Pro Tips:

  • You can hold weights (dumbbells, bags of sugar) in the hands for additional resistance.
  • The slower the movement, the harder the glutes workout.






Walking Lunges

3 - 4

12 - 15

2 mins

A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (4)


From a standing position—take a large step forward with the left foot. Lower your body towards the floor until the left knee is at 90-degrees. Hold for two seconds.

Push with the left leg into the ground to power you into an upright position again—then step forward with the right foot. That’s one rep completed.

Keep walking forward until you reach the rep count.

Pro Tips:

  • Ensure you have sufficient space to complete this exercise.
  • Keep the back straight throughout for the ultimate glutes workout.






Hip Thrust

3 - 4

15 - 20

1-2 mins


Sit with your butt on the floor, rest your upper back on an elevated bench. Keep your shoulder blades locked. Thrust your hips upwards until you form a “table” position. Place your feet at the exact point where your knees are. Your knees shouldn’t pass a 90-degree angle—unless you wish to work the quads and abs too.

Variations (Glute Bridge): Same as hip thrust but rest your upper back on the floor.

Hold for three seconds, lower and repeat.

Pro Tips:

  • In each upward movement squeeze the glutes for more power.
  • Avoid “hunching” the shoulders upwards.






Hip Dive

3 - 4

15 - 20

1-2 mins


Start by kneeling on the floor, your butt sitting on your heels. Use your glutes to raise your behind until your thighs are at a right angle to the floor. Lower and repeat.

Pro Tips:

  • The slower you complete this exercise, the more effective the glutes workout.
  • Keep the spine straight to avoid lower back injury.

Glutes Workout With Resistance Bands​

Utilizing resistance bands takes your glutes training up a notch—pushing the buttocks harder than bodyweight alone.






Band Walks

3 - 4


1-2 mins


With the band around your ankles (optional: additional bands around your quads)—position yourself in a quarter-squat stance (halfway between upright and full-sitting squat). Your feet should be hip-width apart. Clench fists and hold against the chest. Jump feet laterally outwards (by about 10 inches) and in again 20 times for an intense start to your glutes workout.

Pro Tips:

  • Don’t jump too high—around 2 to 3 inches is fine.
  • Keep looking forward throughout the exercise.






Lateral Band Walk

3 - 4


1-2 mins


With the band around your ankles—again take a quarter-squat stance, feet hip-width apart. Step laterally to the left with your left foot, stretching the band. Then step your right foot to the left, so your feet are hip-width apart again.

Do three steps in this manner to the left—then repeat on the right (one rep).

Pro Tips:

  • Ensure there’s always constant tension in the band throughout this glutes workout.
  • Keep clenched fists tight to your chest—elbows in.






Glute Band Kickbacks

3 - 4


1-2 mins


Stand upright with the band around your ankles—feet hip-width apart. Shift your weight onto your right foot. From here, “kick” your left foot backward (6-8 inches)—then back to the starting position. Repeat on one side 15 times, then use the opposite side.

Pro Tips:

  • Always keep both legs straight—no bending at the knees.
  • The slower the action, the more productive the glutes workout.






Forward Banded Walking

3 - 4


1-2 mins


Commence the exercise with the band around your ankles—feet hip-distance apart. Alternatively, you can raise the exercise band above the knees to work both the glutes and quads. With knees slightly bent, take 10 small steps forward, then 10 backward (20 reps).

Pro Tips:

  • Keep the glutes tight.
  • If this glutes workout isn’t sufficiently demanding—start with a slightly wider stance.







3 - 4


1-2 mins


Lay on your right-hand side with the band positioned just above both knees. Support yourself on your right arm—with your left palm pushing into the floor in front of your abs.

Your thighs should be at a 90-degree angle to your upper body. Keeping your right knee on the floor—raise your left knee upwards by 12 inches and lower again (one rep). Once 20 reps are completed, repeat on the opposite side.

Pro Tips:

  • Keep your heels touching throughout—this places more stress on the buttocks for a powerful glutes workout.
  • Don’t allow the band to “snap” your knees back together—use steady control.

Glutes Workout With Weights

When using weights, you have two options when raising difficulty—heightening reps or increasing weight load (while reducing reps).

Fewer reps with greater weights lead to more significant muscle development.






Hip Thrusts With Barbell/Dumbbell

3 - 4


1-2 mins


In an upright position with feet hip-distance apart—hold a kettlebell with two hands beneath your chin. Lower to the squat position (buttocks not passing knees)—hold for two seconds—then push back into a standing position.

Pro Tips:

  • Look forwards at all times, not down at the ground as this encourages you to use the back for power, not your buttocks.
  • If this glutes workout is too tough—use a lighter weight than a kettlebell such as a filled water bottle.






One Arm Kettlebell Deadlift

3 - 4


1-2 mins


Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with a kettlebell between both feet. Bend at the knees and grasp the ‘bell with your right hand—right arm locked throughout. Push with the glutes and lower back to raise the kettlebell off the floor until you’re upright.

Slowly lower the kettlebell to the floor again (one rep). Complete 15-20 reps then repeat on the opposite side.

Pro Tips:

  • This exercise can be completed with a dumbbell if a kettlebell isn’t available.
  • Ensure you lower the ‘bell in a controlled manner—“dropping” reduces the efficacy of this glutes workout and can stress the back.






Kettlebell Goblet Squat

3 - 4


1-2 mins


In an upright position with feet hip-distance apart—hold a kettlebell with two hands beneath your chin. Lower to the squat position (buttocks not passing knees)—hold for two seconds—then push back into a standing position.

Pro Tips:

  • Look forwards at all times, not down at the ground as this encourages you to use the back for power, not your buttocks.
  • If this glutes workout is too tough—use a lighter weight than a kettlebell such as a filled water bottle.






Forward Dumbbell Lunge

3 - 4


1-2 mins


With feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, step forward with the left foot (about 24 inches). Bend both knees until they are both at 90-degrees—one behind, one in front. Push into the ground with the left foot, engaging the glutes to power you back into the standing position.

Repeat for the right-hand side, and that’s one rep.

Pro Tips:

  • Ensure the back remains straight throughout.
  • Slightly increasing the step length increases the intensity of this glutes workout.
  • Never let your knee hit the floor.






Dumbbell Step Ups

3 - 4


1-2 mins


With a dumbbell in each hand, stand upright in front of a low bench or step. Put the ball of your left foot onto the bench and power through the quads and glutes to push yourself upwards. Both legs should now be straight—don’t put your right foot on the bench.

Alternatively, you can lift the right knee into a 90-degree angle to work the quads too.

Lower again and remove left foot to return to a standing position (one rep). Repeat 15-20 times then use the right foot.

Pro Tips:

  • While it’s tempting to use a higher step—this reduces the effectiveness of the glutes workout as it places more effort on the quads.
  • Keep your spine straight throughout.


Don’t be like the other guys and girls who forget about that all-important rear.

Work that behind to the limit by following one (or all) of the above workouts. Stick to this plan and within a few short weeks, you’re going to achieve a tight, toned and defined buttocks.

Remember the benefits—improved sporting performance, enhanced gait, greater stability and reduced back pain.

Above all, you’ll be able to slip into (or out of) your body-hugging clothes with confidence.

Also on "How to Get Bigger" Series

How to Build Bigger Calves?
How to Get Bigger Biceps?
How to Build Bigger Triceps?
How to Build Bigger Legs? 15 Tips to Build Bigger and Stronger Legs
How to Build Bigger Shoulders?
How to Get A Bigger Chest?
10 Tips to Get a Bigger Back and Wider Lats
A Complete Glute Workout Program with Little To No Equipment (2024)


What is the number one glute workout? ›

1. Barbell Hip Thrusts. Why this is one of the best exercises for your glutes: Hip thrusts aggressively target the gluteus maximus (upper glute muscles) and gluteus medius (lower glute muscle) and recruit the hamstrings as secondary movers, making this one of the most effective exercises for your backside.

What exercise works all the glutes? ›

From this examination we can conclude that the best exercises to train the gluteus are essentially: Squat and its variants: deep and with a stance of the feet of about slightly wider than shoulder width. Lunges: with the torso slightly inclined forward to have a greater before stretching of the gluteal muscles.

What is the best exercise for women's glutes? ›

Additionally, I wouldn't be surprised if these exercises not only get your glutes pumped, but your quads and hamstrings, too.
  • Glute Bridge. ...
  • Hip Thrust. ...
  • Single-Leg Hip Thrust. ...
  • Frog Pump. ...
  • Clam Shell. ...
  • Fire Hydrant. ...
  • Standing Kickback. ...
  • Donkey Kick.
Aug 2, 2023

How do you build glutes from scratch? ›

Squat and Tone

The squat tops every list of butt-sculpting exercises. It directly works the glutes. You can build bigger bottom muscles by adding hand-held weights. Form: Slowly lower the hips as if sitting way back in a chair, trying to keep your knees from moving forward toward toes; then return to standing.

What are the three main exercises for glutes? ›

The big three glute-building exercises are squats, hip thrusts, and deadlifts. So if you are short on time, do at least three sets of 10 of these glute exercises. You can add more glute exercises and variations but these three are the best for seeing the biggest results in glute strength and booty building.

How do you activate all 3 glutes? ›

Full Extension Step-Up and Resistance Bands Kickback are recommended for the glute maximus, while Hip Drop and Lift, Toe Up Hip Raises, and Toe Down Hip Swings are suggested for the glute medius. To fix inactive glutes, build a strong mind-to-muscle connection, and consider bodyweight and resistance band exercises.

What builds glutes the fastest? ›

Exercises and Strategies for a Bigger, Firmer Butt
  • Glute bridge.
  • Jumping squats.
  • Walking lunge.
  • Single-leg deadlift.
  • Clamshell.
  • Banded side step.
  • Donkey kicks.
  • Weight training.
Sep 11, 2020

How to get a flat butt? ›

Some of these can include:
  1. Running. Running is an excellent exercise for full-body weight loss. ...
  2. High-intensity interval training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also a popular option for helping with weight loss. ...
  3. Step-climbing. ...
  4. Squats. ...
  5. Lunges. ...
  6. One-leg deadlift. ...
  7. Side-lying hip abduction. ...
  8. Lateral band walk.

What food makes your glutes grow? ›

A choice of foods that enhance muscle strength, growth, and recovery will help you to realise your dream of a bigger butt.
  • List of Foods for Bigger Butt. Salmon. Eggs. Quinoa. Legumes. Flaxseed. Brown Rice. Avocados. Milk. Greek Yoghurt. Tofu. Protein Shakes. Pumpkin Seeds. Chicken Breast. Nut Butter. Tomatoes.
  • Conclusion.
Feb 1, 2023

What are the 4 types of glute exercises? ›

"To grow the glutes, you'll want to ensure that you're training them with at least one exercise from each of the following four categories: thrust/bridge exercise; squat/lunge exercise; hinge/pull exercise; abduction movement," says Jeremy Ethier, kinesiologist, fitness trainer, and founder of Built with Science.

What exercises increase buttocks and hips at home? ›

Try doing squats, weighted lunges, donkey kicks, and glute bridges, which all target the muscles in your butt. Do 3 sets of 20 reps for each exercise, and do your butt workout every other day, at least 3 times throughout the week.

Is it possible to grow your glutes without weights? ›

Growing your glutes without weights is definitely possible. Such goal can be achieved by doing bodyweight squats ( all variations with a hold at the bottom of the exercise), lunges(reverse), hip thrusts(single leg), jumping rope and of course walking ( especially walking on Incline).

Is it possible to grow glutes without lifting weights? ›

Experts say you can build a bigger, stronger butt by doing variations of exercises like squats. You don't necessarily need weights, either — body weight movements like donkey kicks work, too. To build glute muscles without equipment, focus on increasing muscle tension and effort with good form.

How can I grow my glutes fast at home? ›

If your goal is to grow your glutes, Weissman says there are three non-negotiable moves for a bigger booty: hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, and squats. “We want to prioritize [these three moves] as a means to grow the glutes because they are the ones we can load the most,” she explains.

Can I grow glutes without exercise? ›

If you're looking to build muscle and add volume to your butt without exercise, eating the right foods is key. Good sources of protein, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, and beans, can help build muscle mass. Consuming healthy fats, like those found in avocados, nuts, and seeds, can also contribute to a shapely butt.


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.