A Beginner's Guide to Planning a Backpacking Trip (2024)

The question of how to plan a backpacking trip is one you should never be afraid to ask! Planning your first backpacking trip can be very overwhelming. From deciding on how much to take with you on your hike, to deciding which route to take, there’s a lot to think about. Before you get too overwhelmed, just remember that even the most experienced backcountry hikers and campers all started somewhere and have likely felt the same way that you do now.

We know how daunting the prospect of planning your first trip can be so we’ve put together this handy guide that will tell you everything you need to know about heading out into the backcountry for the first time so that your backpacking trip will be a success!

Every adventure starts with a plan!

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How to Plan a Backpacking Trip

Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide to planning a backpacking trip. You can do these in order or jump around a little bit based on what works for you. The most important thing is that you cover all the steps and are adequately prepared for your big adventure. Not bringing the right gear or enough food and water can make even the easiest trail significantly harder and it can even make the trip dangerous.

Decide where you want to go.

This should be your very first step as it can have a big impact on everything else. For example, planning a backpacking trip high into the Rockies where you’ll be staying at rustic campsites is going to be very different from trekking in Patagonia where you have plenty of hostels and refugios to choose from. These will both be different from hiking through waterfalls in the Amazon jungle or going down into the Grand Canyon and the gear that you’ll need will be drastically different for all of these adventures.

If this is your first hike you must do as much research as possible on a destination before deciding that this is where you want to go. We highly recommend starting with an easy destination. Short, two to three-day trips that are close to home are ideal to start with and as you become more comfortable, you can start doing longer trips a bit further away. You may also want to start by doing fewer miles each day than you would normally do on a day hike. It’s very different hiking with a heavy backpack than it’s a light daypack and it’s better to cover shorter distances so that you don’t overdo it

Also, think about how far off the beaten track you want to go. While it may seem dreamy to be completely away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, surrounded by breathtaking nature, and feeling like it’s just you against the elements, this can quickly turn into a nightmare if anything goes wrong. And when you’re backpacking, something can always go wrong. If you truly want to go off-grid, you need to be both mentally and physically prepared for the experience.

Research the logistics.

Once you have decided roughly where you want to go, you now need to figure out the logistics (I.e. how you’ll make it work). Some questions that you should ask yourself at this point include:

  • What will the weather be like?
  • Is this the right time of year to go to this destination?
  • How many hours of daylight can you plan for?
  • Are there any dangerous wild animals that I need to be aware of?
  • Do you need permits? If so, how long do they take to acquire?
  • Is there potable water available?
  • What is the terrain like?
  • How do you get to the trailhead?
  • What will the elevation gain be?
  • Are there any mosquito-born diseases prevalent in the area such as malaria or dengue?
  • Are you going into bear country?

All of the answers to these questions will have a big impact on how long you can hike, what you need to take with you, and where you can go. You can use guidebooks, backpacking websites, social media, backpacking, and thru-hiking forums, etc to find information as well as navigation websites like Gaia which will help you get more familiar with the terrain of your destination and help you find both free camping spots and established campsites.

When you’re compiling the answers to these questions, make sure that you jot down where you found particular information. During your research, you may run into contradictory information, and knowing where you found things can help you decide which one is more accurate.

During this phase, don’t forget to reach out to your fellow adventurers to ask for their advice. There are also many Facebook groups that you can join where people share general advice on backpacking as well as location-specific information. Read as many trip reports as you can about a particular area and have a list of questions ready that will cover anything that seems questionable. Remember, there are no dumb questions and it’s important to get clarification on anything that you’re confused about or want to get clarification on to have the safest and most enjoyable backpacking trip possible.

Also, do not forget to check the website of the park that you’re going to for weather updates, trail updates, and other useful information. There’s no point in planning an entire trip around a particular section of a national park and then finding out it’s closed.

Invite some friends along.

Once you have a rough idea of where you’re going and how difficult it will be, it’s time to invite some friends to join you! If you know people who love backpacking, they are an obvious first choice. Having a few people with you has many benefits. Not only is it safer and more fun to hike in a group but it can also help you divide the weight of the gear that you’ll be carrying. For example, a two-person tent weighs significantly less than two one-person tents and you can easily divide up things like cooking equipment, food, and so on.

Just a warning, be careful who you invite and consider whether or not they will be able to handle the hike that you’re expecting to do. Having someone with you that is not physically able to do the hike can slow you down and cause some major logistical issues, especially if it’s a multi-day hike. If you do invite someone who is a bit of a newbie, make sure to check with them what their longest hike has been, whether they enjoy camping, etc. Although it may feel a little like you’re vetting your friends, this can save you a huge amount of hassle and stress in the long run. Even better, you can even do a few practice hikes together before you go on your big adventure. This will give you an idea of whether or not you’re compatible and what you need to look out for if you decide to go together.

Choose your gear.

Once you have an idea of where you’re going and what the weather will be like, you can start choosing suitable gear and creating your “gear list”. This includes things like tents, sleeping bags, a sleeping pad, cooking equipment, water bottles and water filters, food and snacks, clothing, jacket, sunhat, shoes, rain gear, headlamps, bear canisters, power banks, first aid kit, hygiene products, etc as well as odds and ends like duct tape, a knife, and medical tape. Don’t ignore the importance of having a headlamp. It may seem like your cell phone flashlight will work just as well when you’re at a campsite but when you’re out on the trail hiking in the dark, you want to have both of your hands-free. This will come in handy (pun intended) in case you stumble and need to catch yourself or if you find yourself on rough terrain and have to rely on walking sticks.

If you’re a beginner backpacker, don’t panic. There are plenty of backpacking checklists and gear guides that you can find online that can serve as useful guides when you’re putting together your gear. Before you go crazy trying to check every item off the packing list, think carefully about what you’ll actually need. It’s easy to go overboard when you’re at home worrying about every possible predicament but keep in mind that you’re likely to be carrying all of this equipment on your back at some point so make every pound of it count.

If you aren’t sure what is “too” heavy, a good rule of thumb is that your pack shouldn’t be more than 20% of your body weight. Anything heavier than that is going to be very challenging even for the strongest of hikers. Don’t forget that most hikes and campsites follow a leave-no-trace policy which means that anything you bring with you, you need to take with you. This includes human waste, used toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products. You’ll need to consider this when it comes to your gear and what you’ll use to carry your trash and waste out with you.

When you have picked out all of your gear, make sure to try packing it all into your backpack. Make sure that there’s plenty of space for water, especially if you may be covering long distances between water sources. Practice walking around with the full pack on your back to make sure that it’s sitting correctly on your back and hips and that it’s comfortable. If you’re unsure of how a backpack is supposed to fit, there are plenty of online guides available. Alternatively, you can take your bag to an outdoor shop like REI and ask one of the staff members to check for you. (if you go this route, try to buy something while you’re there.)

You should also make sure to break in your hiking boots if you bought new ones. Ideally, this would be done through a series of shorter hikes that allow you to identify any trouble spots where blisters are forming and either find a way to fix them (insoles, pads, etc) or buy a new pair of boots that work better for you. Never, ever rely simply on reviews when choosing boots. Everyone’s feet are shaped differently as your height and weight can also play a role in how your boots fit.

Figure out how you’ll get back home.

When it comes to planning your trip, it’s easy to get lost in the details of the hike itself and forget that at some point it will come to an end! This means that you’ll need to figure out a way to get home afterward. If you’re starting and ending at the same spot, this should be relatively easy. However, if you’re hiking from point to point, things are likely to get way more complicated.

This is the time when you need to figure out exactly how you’ll get to the starting point and back to your car or another form of transport that you may be using. Keep in mind that some national parks do not allow private vehicles and offer shuttle services instead as a way to ease traffic congestion. If this is the case, you’ll need to figure out how frequently the shuttles run and what time the last shuttle of the day is. The last thing you want is to finish a long day of hiking and find out that you have no way to get back to your car.

Plan your food.

When it comes to planning your food, it’s very easy to overdo it. Many people are worried about being hungry so they find themselves packing too much food and then regretting it when they are carrying around excess weight in their bag (or their stomach!).

One of the best ways to plan what food to pack is to base it on a certain amount of calories per day. The average consumption level is around 2,250 to 2,750 calories per day depending on the intensity of your hike as well as the size of your body. Sadly, hiking doesn’t burn off nearly as many calories as we often think it does so you probably won’t need as much food as you think you will.

When putting together your “meal plan”, you can choose from either DIY meals and snacks or fancy store-bought backpacking meals. These tend to be very expensive so if you’re looking for ways to cut down costs, this is definitely one of them! This can also be helpful if you’re vegetarian since although it seems like more and more pre-packaged backpacker meals are coming onto the market, very few of them are actually vegetarian-friendly.

Get your mind and body shape.

Hiking is great for our physical and mental health but you certainly don’t want to injure yourself at the beginning of your trip (or anytime during your trip to be fair) or not be able to finish the trip because it’s too tough. It’s important to make sure that you’re up to the task physically and mentally before setting out on your backpacking trip. This can greatly help increase your chances of being able to complete it.

One good way to do this is to go on a few tough day hikes or some overnight weekend trips. You can also try car camping with a few long hikes mixed in. This will give you an idea of what equipment you need and what you may be able to leave behind. If this isn’t possible, try to hit the gym as often as you can and focus on working muscle groups that you would normally use during a hike. This will usually be very different from yoga classes or running on a treadmill. While those are both great for you, they don’t help strengthen the muscles that you need them to.

While you’re building up your strength and stamina physically, it’s just as important to build yourself up mentally. Unless you’re doing a technical hike, you’re probably more likely to run into a mental block than a physical one. To “practice”, try to hike when you’re really tired. Throw in some early morning hikes and a few nighttime hikes to see how it goes. You may be surprised at how much this can help when you set out for your backpacking trip.

Check and recheck everything.

Before you set out on your backpacking adventure, make sure that you check and recheck everything. This includes your backpacking gear list, your food, the weather, and everything and anything else you can think of. Reread trip reports, double-check the website of the park you’re visiting, and log onto their Facebook page for any additional updates. This is your final chance to make sure that you have everything ready and that the weather will cooperate with you. If you learn something that can impact your trip, this is your time to try and resolve it before it becomes a bigger issue. This step is just as important as when you did your initial research so make sure that you tie up any loose ends before they begin to unravel!

Don’t leave anything until the last minute.

There are always jokes about people who pack last minute for a vacation. You know the ones, someone is running around two hours before their flight throwing stuff into a suitcase. This is what you definitely don’t want to do when backpacking. Packing last minute makes it easy to forget something and this can mean the difference between life and death. Instead, try packing everything into your backpack at least a week before the trip. This will give you time to change anything (take stuff out, put stuff in) and still be able to repack in plenty of time for your departure.

Before you head out, make sure that you share your itinerary with someone that you trust. Ideally, this would be someone who has also backpacked before and understands some of the issues that could arise, and, most importantly, knows how to help if anything goes wrong. Leave their contact details and your itinerary stashed somewhere in your car near the trailhead or campsite as well so that in the event you don’t return at your intended time, someone near the trail may be able to help. You can also stop by any ranger station and inform them of your route and how long you expect it to take.

Ready for the world?

We hope that this guide has left you ready to pack your backpack and set off into the wilderness on your next adventure. As always, we would love to have your feedback and please let us know if there’s anything that we may have missed. This will help our readers be as prepared as possible!

If you need any additional information about destinations around the world, don’t forget to check out our travel guides. These were written by our own in-house travel experts who have roamed around the globe from Acadia to Yosemite and everywhere in between! You can also download the Let’s Roam app which is full of great user-generated content for destinations all around the world as well as our fun-filled scavenger hunts. They’re a great way to learn more about a destination and have a wonderful time doing it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first step in planning a backpacking trip?

The first thing you need to do when planning a backpacking trip is deciding where to go! This will impact the gear you take and how you will start and end the trip.

Where should I go as a beginner backpacker?

If this is your first backpacking trip, it is a good idea to do a short trip close to home. Once you feel comfortable, you can start going on longer trips.

Where can I find useful destination information for my backpacking trip?

If you are looking for more info on towns near your destination, download the Let’s Roam app. This app is full of useful, user-generated content that will help you find the best restaurants and hotels.

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A Beginner's Guide to Planning a Backpacking Trip (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.