7 Must Follow Mochi Etiquette (2024)

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7 Must Follow Mochi Etiquette (1)

7 Must Follow Mochi Etiquette

In the fascinating world of Japanese cuisine, every dish is a testament to artistry, and every bite, an experience of culture. Mochi is much more than just a delicious dessert, it's a part of the culture and when you eat it, there are certain rules that make it even more special.

Mochi etiquette isn't just about strict guidelines, it's a delightful journey into culture and history. It's a way to cherish each morsel of this chewy delight while paying homage to centuries of tradition.

But before we dive into the world of mochi etiquette, let's first unwrap the essence of mochi itself. “What exactly is mochi, and why is it so beloved in Japan and beyond?


Mochi, or o-mochi in Japanese, is a classic Japanese dish made from a special kind of rice called mochigome. It is typically prepared by steaming glutinous rice and then pounding it into a sticky, elastic dough. This process is called "mochitsuki."

Mochi’s are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes and desserts. In the past few years, mochi has become increasingly popular in various parts of the world outside of Japan, where it is often used in desserts such as mochi ice cream.


Since ancient times mochi has been an essential part of Japanese culture. Its origin can be traced back to the Jomon period, which spanned from 14,000 to 300 BCE. During this period, rice cultivation became widespread in Japan. However, the mochi of that time was quite different from what we know today.

The mochi we are familiar with began to take shape during the Nara period, from 710 to 794 CE. Over the centuries, especially during the Heian period (794-1185 CE), mochi gained popularity among the Japanese aristocracy. It became a staple food, served during special occasions and celebrations.

By the Edo period, which lasted from 1603 to 1868, mochi had evolved into various regional variations and had firmly established itself as a significant part of Japanese cuisine.


While enjoying mochi in Japan, Korea, United States, China, Canada, or UAE where it's popular, make sure you follow these seven mochi etiquettes to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience:

  1. Cut It into Bite-Sized Pieces: Mochi is traditionally served in small, bite-sized portions. Use a knife to cut it into manageable pieces to avoid choking.
  2. Use Chopsticks: When handling mochi, opt for chopsticks rather than your hands. This helps prevent your fingers from becoming sticky due to mochi's adhesive nature.
  3. Chew Slowly: Mochi's chewy texture requires careful chewing. Take your time to savour each bite, especially to prevent choking, which can be a risk withmochi.
  4. No Talking with Your Mouth Full: As with many dining etiquettes, it's considered impolite to engage in conversation while you have a piece of mochi in your mouth. Finish chewing and swallowing before speaking.
  5. Dip with Discretion: If you're dipping mochi, do so with care. When using soy sauce or kinako (sweet, toasted soybean flour), dip only a small corner of the mochi rather than the entire piece.
  6. Mind the Filling: Some mochi varieties have hot or runny fillings, such as sweet bean paste. Be cautious when eating these types to avoid burns or spills.
  7. Enjoy and Share: Most importantly, embrace the joy of sharing mochi with others, especially the mochi ice creams. Whether you're with family, friends, or acquaintances, mochi is a treat best enjoyed together, creating lasting memories.


Mochi is not just a delicious Japanese dessert, it's a symbol of cultural heritage and culinary craftsmanship. Remember these etiquettes to honour tradition and savour the essence of this iconic Japanese delight.

At MOISHI, we take pride in preserving traditions while adding our own touch of innovation. You can find us around the world in countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and we’re soon opening an outlet in Kuwait. We invite you to experience the magic of the best Mochi ice cream in Dubai.

Also Read : The Complete History of Mochi Ice Cream | Moishi UAE

Also Read : Health Benefits of Mochi ice cream a Japanese Snack – Moishi

Moishi Moishi

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7 Must Follow Mochi Etiquette (2024)


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