4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (2024)

Real talk: resistance band exercises can take your home workout routine (or your gym sesh) from mild to spicy real quick. These stretchy bands so beloved by Instagram fitness stars had a real resurgence in popularity during the pandemic and for good reason, too: easy to store, lightweight and adaptable to almost any exercise, resistance bands are the do-anywhere workout hero you need to ship, stat.

But, if you're not up to speed on why you should be incorporating more resistance band exercises into your workout routine or what moves will get you the most bang for your buck, then stay tuned and scroll on.

How do resistance band exercises work?

Unlike gym machines which maintain the same resistance throughout the entirety of the movement, resistance bands work by increasing resistance as they're stretched – as you put them under more pressure, they do the same to you. Capeesh?

For an exercise like bodyweight squats, this means the bottom of the exercise is going to feel much more challenging as your lower body works against the band.

Benefits of resistance band exercises

1.They're flexible

Workout at home, whilst travelling (ah, the memories), in the great outdoors or on the gym floor.

2. They're scalable

As the bands come in different 'weights' (tensions) there's a level suitable for everyone from beginner to über advanced.

You can target almost every body part – upper body, lower body, core work, resistance band exercises make your muscles work harder to stabilise and perform the exercise.

3. They're low-impact

Whether you have to nix the jumps due to finicky joints or because your downstairs neighbours hate their ceiling shaking (crazy!), resistance bands add challenge without adding extra-impact. #Winning.

    When to use a resistance band

    According to Dalton Wong, performance coach at TwentyTwo training, using a resistance band in your warm up is the best place to start: 'I recommend using them before your workout to get your hips, bum and shoulders primed before your exercise session.'

    Using a resistance band in this way helps to activate those harder-to-engage muscles before you put them under tension during a workout, namely, engaging those lazy glute muscles that love to rely on over-eager quadriceps.

    However, the warm up is absolutely not where you should leave your resistance band work. In fact, adding them to your workout is a great way to strength train without access to a fully stocked gym, but first, you need to know which type of band is right for you.

    How to pick the best resistance band for you

    Depending on your skill level, how long you've been exercising and what types of movements you'll be performing, the resistance band you'll need will change too.

    1. Pick the right weight

    Firstly, resistance bands are largely split into five 'weight' (how much tension they'll exert) categories:

    • Extra light
    • Light
    • Medium
    • Heavy
    • Extra heavy

    A light to medium resistance band is the best place to start for beginners and those trying to add challenge to bodyweight moves they're already comfortable with.

    If you're well used to resistance training – perhaps you lift weights regularly or are confident with bodyweight movements – a medium or heavy band will give you a great workout at home sans the need for heavy (and costly) equipment.

    2. Pick the right style

    They can also come in a variety of styles depending on types of exercises:

    • Shorter and wider looped bands for lower body exercises such as squats, crab walks and glute bridges (often known as mini-bands)
    • Longer and thinner looped bands for upper body exercises such as shoulder presses and tricep exercises
    • Unlooped resistance bands designed to be wrapped and tied to the size and resistance level you prefer – these bands can be used for a variety of exercises

    Will doing these resistance band exercises help me lose weight?

    Yes and no. Shifting body fat to reveal lean muscle mass mostly comes down to following a healthy meal plan, however it is true that resistance band training can increase your strength.

    'By improving your strength, you can increase your lean muscle mass which helps to alter your body composition,' explains Wong. 'As you get stronger you can progress to the next level of resistance band so you’re continually improving.'

    The best way to know when to level up to the next band-weight is when you feel that you've got a couple reps left in the tank after each exercise and your body could be working harder: Take its cue and go for it!

    The best resistance band exercises

    If you're ready to get going, rotate these moves into you next workout.

    Note: If the resistance band is too heavy for you, your form will suffer. Form > weight, always. So, make sure you're using the right resistance for each body part: Your lower body will be able to take more resistance than your upper body, for example.

    Wondering how to make the most of your bands? We asked four top PTs what resistance band exercises they're doing at home.

    Scroll down for their best exercises using mini bands, a long loop, or bands with handles.

    Mini resistance band exercises

    This 5-move workout was designed by PT and EvolveYou creator, Krissy Cela. The high reps will help you build strength and muscular endurance. Nice.

    1.Tricep extension

    4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (5)

    Do: 15 on each side

    (a) Loop one end of the band under your left arm, and put your left hand on your hip. Hold the other end of the band in your right hand and extend your right arm overhead, so your upper arm is almost touching your ear. Bend at the elbow to lower your left forearm over your head. This is your starting position.

    (a) Pull the band to extend your right arm up overhead, keeping your upper arm as still as possible. Slowly return to start – that’s on rep. Complete 12 on your right side before switching to the left.

      2. Shoulder press

      4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (6)

      Do: 15 reps

      (a) Grip one end of the band in each hand and extend both your arms overhead. Your hands should be just wider than shoulder width apart, with some tension in the band.

      (b) Pull both arms down to bring the band behind your head, bending at the elbows until they’re in line with your shoulders. That’s 1 rep – go for 12.

        3. Bicep curl

        4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (7)

        Do: 15 reps each side

        (a) Loop one end of the band around your right hand, and keep your right arm down, without locking out your elbow. Hold the other end of the band in your left hand, with your elbow bent at 90 degrees.

        (b) Keeping your right arm still, pull the band up with your left arm to curl your hand up to about chest height. Slowly return to start – that’s 1 rep. Complete 12 on your left side before switching to the right.

          4. Lat pull-down

          4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (8)

          Do: 12 reps each side

          (a) Hold one end of the band around each hand, and extend your right arm above your head, without locking your elbow. Raise your left hand to about head height, with your elbow bent at 90 degrees. This is your starting position.

          (b) Keeping your right arm still, pull the band down with your left hand, keeping your elbow bent. Think about pulling your elbow down to your hip, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull. Return to start – that’s 1 rep. Complete 12 on your left side before switching to the right.

            5. Single arm pull-apart

            4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (9)

            Do: 12 reps on each side

            (a) Stand with your feet together, holding a resistance band up at shoulder-height, with arms straight out in front of you and shoulder-width apart.

            (b) Keeping your right arm still, pull your left arm out to the side as far as mobility and the band allow. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull. Slowly return to start. Complete 12 reps on your left before moving on to your right side.

              Long loop resistance band exercises

              This total body workout was designed by personal trainer and Under Armour athlete Samantha McGowan, to help build both strength and mobility. 'Using bands instead of weights is a great way to distill more complicated movements and really focus on form,' she says.

              6. Banded squats

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (10)

              Do: 3 sets of 12 reps

              (a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with one end of the band underneath your feet, the other looped behind your neck.

              (b) Brace your core and push your hips back, bending your knees until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Exhale and push through your heels to return to the starting position.

              7. Banded hip thrusts

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (11)

              Do: 3 sets of 12 reps

              (a) Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet planted on the floor, the sides of the band underneath each of your feet. There should be tension in the band, but keep it lose enough to allow you to loop one end just below your hips.

              (b) Exhale and push through your heels, lifting your hips up to form a straight diagonal line from your knees to your shoulders, while keeping your shoulder blades on the floor. Squeeze your glutes at the top, then lower your bum back to the floor. That’s one rep.

              8. Tricep extensions

              Do: 3 sets of 10 reps

              (a) Loop the band behind your neck, with and end in each hand. Keeping soft knees, lean forward slightly and tuck your elbows into your sides with your arms bent.

              (b) Keeping your shoulders as still as possible, extend your elbows back behind your, ensuring your arms remain tight to the side of your body. Bend your elbows to return to starting position. One rep down.

              9. Dead-stop push-ups

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (13)

              Do: 3 sets of 10 reps

              (a) Loop both sides of the band remind your back, with one end in each hand. Lie down on your mat in push-up position, with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and the ends of the band firmly secured under each hand. While maintaining a neutral spine, bend your elbows and lower your torso to the mat.

              (b) Push through your chest and extend your elbows to lift your body back into the starting position.

              10. Banded split squats

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (14)

              Do: 3 sets of 10 on each side

              (a) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, with one end of the band looped around your neck, the other secure under your left foot. Take a big step back with your right foot to come into lunge position.

              (b) Bend both knees bend both knees and lower your left knee until your right thigh is parallel with the floor. Push with your right heel to return to standing.

              Handle resistance band exercises

              This workout was created by Louisa Drake, founder of the Louisa Drake Method, who sees bands as a perfect multitasking tool for a low-weight, high-rep approach to strength training. ‘The constant tension of the band stimulates muscle growth but, unlike heavy equipment, it doesn’t put a strain on joints,' she says.

              11. Clamshell

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (15)

              Do: One set of 10 slow and controlled reps, followed by 30 reps pulsing on each side

              (a) Wrap the resistance band snugly around both thighs just above the knees and tie it securely. Lie on your right side, elbow under the shoulder, hips stacked with knees in line.

              (b) Keeping feet together, open your left knee out into a diamond shape, lifting your right foot off the floor as you do this. Lower the left knee back down to close your legs without lowering the right foot to the floor. Ladylike? No. But damn effective. 1

              12. Squat and single-arm pull

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (16)

              Do: One set of 10 slow and controlled reps, followed by 20 pulses on each side

              (a) With feet shoulder-width apart and toes parallel, step your left foot onto one end of the resistance band. Hold onto the other end of the band with your right hand and rest your left hand on your hip. Lower into a squat and punch the band down towards your left foot.

              (b) Stand up tall and drive your right hand back up and across your body, finishing above your head à la John Travolta.

              13. Single-arm tricep press

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (17)

              Do: Two sets of 10 slow and controlled reps, followed by 30 pulses on each side

              (a) Hold one end of the band in your right hand above your head, right arm slightly bent. Without moving your head forwards, lower your fist behind your head. Reach your left hand to your mid-back and grab hold of the other end of the band.

              (b) Keeping the band taut, extend your right arm up to the ceiling again, hold for two seconds, then relax back down. Best stretch ever.

              14. Shoulder bridge

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (18)

              Do: One set of 20 slow and controlled reps, then 30 pulses

              (a) Lying on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart, place the band over your hips, holding each end by your sides.

              (b) Pushing shoulder blades and arms into the ground, peel your pelvis off the floor, pushing against the band. Squeeze your lower hips, glutes and pelvis before lowering.

              15. Curtsy lunge with bicep curl

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (19)

              Do: One set of 20 slow and controlled reps, followed by 30 pulses on each side

              (a) Holding the ends of the resistance band in an underhand grip, step your left foot onto the centre of the band, with left knee and toes pointing outwards. Step your right foot behind and over to the left. Hips and torso should stay squared, and arms lengthened.

              (b) Lower your back knee into a low curtsy lunge and bend at the elbows, pulling the band upwards towards your shoulders. Hold for two seconds before squeezing your glutes and lowering your arms to return to the start position. Royalty ready.

              Full-body resistance band circuit workout

              This total body session was designed by Charlotte Frazier, Trainer and Studio Manager at F45 Croydon. You'll need a long loop band and a mini band for this one. Perform these moves in a circuit, taking a 1-minute rest in between circuits. Aim to complete four rounds.

              16. Clams

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (20)

              Do: 15-20 reps

              (a) Loop one end of the band around your thighs, and lie on your side with your knees together, and slightly in front of your hip. Open your knees apart keeping the hips facing forward and the glutes squeezed.

              (b) Hold at the top of the move before bringing the knees back together. Repeat on the other side

              17. Frog hip thrusts

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (21)

              Do: 4 sets of 15-20 reps on each side

              (a) Loop the resistance band snugly around both thighs just above the knees. Lie on your left side, elbow under the shoulder, hips stacked with knees in line.

              (b) Keeping feet together, open your right knee out into a diamond shape. Pause for a few seconds at the top before lowering back down.

              18. Shoulder press

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (22)

              Do: 4 sets for 12-15 reps

              (a) Loop the band around your feet and stand on it, with your feet hip-width apart. Hold the band in both hands with your palms facing upwards, keeping your elbows close to your body. Keeping a tight grip on the band, a soft bend in the knees and pelvis tucked under, push your palms up to straighten your arms. Don't lock your elbows at the top.

              (b) Slowly lower down, reversing the move to return to the start. You should feel a burn in your shoulders. Be careful not to arch your back - aim to keep your spine neutral and pelvis tucked to avoid pressure on your lower back.

              19. Good mornings

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (23)

              Do: 4 sets of 15 – 20 reps

              (a) Stand on one end of the band with your feet slightly apart, and loop the other end band over your head behind your neck. Hinge at the hips at your hips bow forward – visualise sending your hips to the back of the room.

              (a) Lower down as far as your mobility allows – aim to get your torso parallel to the floor. Hold at the bottom of the move for 2 seconds to increase the intensity, then hinge your hips forwards, keeping your pelvis tucked in, to come back up to standing.

              20. Kick backs

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (24)

              Do: 4 sets, 10-12 on each side

              (a) Start in tabletop position, with one end of the band looped around the arch of your right foot and the other end in both hands, stretching it out slightly in front of you. This is your starting position.

              (a) Kick your right foot straight behind you, keeping your upper arm as still as possible. Slowly return to the start.

              Full-body resistance band AMRAP challenge

              Dr Ailish McLaughlin, who has a PhD in exercise physiology and is a personal trainer at London’s The Foundry, has designed this full-body challenge with her favourite resistance band moves.

              This is an AMRAP workout – you're going to as many reps as possible. Perform each of the exercises for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds before moving on the the next one.

              Perform this workout as a circuit (5 moves = 1 circuit). If you’re a beginner, go for 3 rounds of the circuit, if you’re advanced, try 5. Give yourself a 90-sec break in between each round.

              21. Glute bridge knees in and out

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (25)

              (a) Lie on your back with a band above your knees and your feet planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

              (b) Lift your hips up to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Engage your abs and glutes by widening your knees slightly, pushing against the band. Keeping your hips up, bring your knees together again, then push them apart. Keep going, without dropping your knees.

              22. Deadbug

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (26)

              (a) Lie with your legs in tabletop position and your arms extended above your chest, holding the band in your hands.

              (b) Keeping your chin tucked, neck in a neutral position and lower back in contact with the floor, slowly lower your left arm and right leg to the floor. Reverse to bring them both back up to the centre and then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

              23. Wall sit bicep curl

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (27)

              (a) With the band under your feet, sit against a wall in a squat. Your back should be pressed into the wall and your legs bent at 90°. Hold the other end of the band in your hands.

              (b) Hold the squat position and pull the band up towards your collar bone, trying to keep your upper arms as still as possible. Don’t drop until you finish the set. Feel. That. Burn.

              24. Lateral band walk

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (28)

              (a) Place a resistance band just above your knees, then stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

              (b) Slightly bend at the knee, take a large step to your left with your left foot, then follow with the right, keeping tension in the band. Walk in this direction for 5 steps before switching sides. Keep going until your work time is up.

              25. Push-up and row

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (29)

              (a) Start in a press-up position. Shift your weight forwards on to your hands and engage your core. Place the band around your hands.

              (b) Lower down until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up. At the top, row your right arm up, keeping your elbow close to your body, followed by your left arm. Try to keep your hips in line with your knees and shoulders. Perform 20 seconds on 1 side, the swap.

              26. Bent-over row

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (30)

              (a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, right foot slightly forward, one end of the band looped under your foot. Hold the other end of the band with your left hand.

              (b) Hinge at your hips, with both knees bent, and pull the band to your body, keeping your elbow tucked into your side. Perform 20 seconds on 1 side, the swap.

              4 top PTs demo their fave resistance band exercises to tone up without weights (2024)


              Can you tone up with resistance bands? ›

              When starting a strength-training routine, most people head to the weight rack. But when it comes to working your muscles, dumbbells aren't the only tool available. Resistance bands have become an increasingly popular way to add a strength component to workouts and increase muscle tone.

              Can you get ripped just using resistance bands? ›

              Not a Full Workout On Their Own

              But you're not going to get a chiseled all-over body just from using resistance bands on their own. It is absolutely possible to build muscle with resistance bands – especially if you are a beginning weightlifter.

              Can you get a flat stomach with resistance bands? ›

              Resistance bands are effective in losing that belly fat and strengthening the core. Strengthening the core and burning excess fat helps boost your confidence and improves the shape of your body, along with bodily balance and mobility.

              Are resistance bands better than weights for toning? ›

              Do resistance bands build muscle? Absolutely. In fact, a 2019 study shows that training using resistance bands provides similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment. “Resistance bands might not look like much, but they can strengthen your muscles as effectively as more traditional weights,” says Travers.

              What tightens flabby arms? ›

              When it comes to getting rid of flabby arms, decreasing some arm fat and increasing more muscle definition can be beneficial. A combination of aerobic and strength training can help tone your arms, shed fat and minimize upper arm flabbiness. The triceps are the key muscles to work on if you have flabby arms.

              Can old flabby arms be toned? ›

              Here's some good news. Even if you have arms that are out of shape and flabby, you can get them back into shape. However, you first need to do targeted exercises to build muscle. Adding more muscle is essential, and it can help your arms get nice and toned.

              What is the best resistance band weight for beginners? ›

              If you're a newcomer to the fitness scene or looking for a low-impact option, the 3lb ultra-light band is tailor-made for you. It provides a gentle resistance that's perfect for beginners, offering a welcoming introduction to strength training.

              Which type of resistance band is best? ›

              While loop bands are the most popular style of resistance bands, tube bands are a better choice for upper-body workouts. We like that this set comes with many accessories, including two door anchors, two ankle straps, and two attachable handles, making the set versatile enough for a full-body workout.

              How many resistance band exercises should I do? ›

              Matthews suggests doing three to four sets of each exercise, aiming for 20 reps per exercise. If that feels like too much to start with, complete one set including each exercise and gradually add sets over a few weeks as the workout starts to feel easier.

              How long does it take to see results from resistance bands? ›

              Generally, some may start noticing strength improvements within a few weeks, while visible muscle gains might take several weeks to a few months. Results can include increased muscle tone, strength, and endurance with regular use of these tools in a well-designed exercise routine.

              Can you lose fat with resistance bands? ›

              “Resistance Bands can be used to lose body fat by increasing metabolic rates through improvements in lead body mass. Resistance Band exercises are muscle building strength as well as fat burning intensity movements'', says Aaron Guyett, CSCS, Director of Education for Living.

              Is it OK to workout with resistance bands everyday? ›

              Generally, you can do resistance bands workouts 6 days a week to develop lean muscle mass, or full-body workouts for athletic performance benefits. As long as you maintain a healthy recovery time between workouts, you can easily use resistance bands up to six times per week.

              Can you transform your body with resistance bands? ›

              But why are resistance bands "sneaky good?" They're an extremely underrated (and unassuming) tool to help you sculpt an amazing body and change your physique. Of course, they offer resistance so you challenge your muscles and get them to grow.

              Can you lose weight and build muscle with resistance bands? ›

              Resistance band training is a method of strength training, and, therefore, may not burn as many calories per session as cardio, per the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA). But resistance band workouts do promote gains in muscle mass, which can offer fat-loss benefits.

              Do resistance bands speed up results? ›

              Yes they do. Just as an example; you can add them to your Bench Press. It will add more resistance at the Top of the movement and you have to push trough the resistance. Now if you take them off you will notice a great increase in speed at the top of the movement at least.


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              Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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              Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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              Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

              Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.